Forums - any hope for Juggernaut ? Show all 48 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- any hope for Juggernaut ? ( Posted by JChristopher on 11:05:2001 03:40 PM: any hope for Juggernaut ? just used him the other day for fun. Jug/Storm/Cyke called cyke as human shield, powered up, alpha countered storm in, built meter, alpha countered jug back, killed everyone all Jug needed was ONE chance and ONE meter coz everytime he gets both, an opponent dies. with Jug (and a human shield like Cyke), there are absolutely no helpers and rushdowns allowed, and Storm takes care of the keep-awayers. so what keeps him from being tourney worthy?? Posted by nightmareivy on 11:05:2001 04:43 PM: juggernaut has more hope than you know -Erik Posted by Lupid on 11:05:2001 05:07 PM: What keeps him from being that good are the other 5 characters that can do exactly the same thing, only they don't get trapped and die for free. Also, they can call helpers whenever they want because AHVB/HSF/Tornados/Blocking/st. Jab all beat headcrush anyway. Oh yeah, and Juggernaut can't move at all because he gets trapped and dies. And he can't move. Gonna die. Posted by Mr. E on 11:05:2001 05:41 PM: He's useful as an assist when glitched, and as a dangerous 2nd character (alpha counter xx glitched head crush), but aside from that, he's useless at point. He get's trapped way too easily because of his horrible mobility (slowest char in the game), and the rushdown characters (Mag/Storm) eat him up for lunch with their air game. There is no doubt that when he's in, he dominates the ground, but, pixies like mag/storm can triangle jump ad nauseum without fear of getting hit by more than 1-2 hits of the headcrush. Plus, without any real way to gain meter, he's pretty much dead without supers in stock. He's just a horrible third. He may do well if you have a substantial lead, but in any other situation, he doesn't do anything. Posted by State of Nature on 11:05:2001 05:45 PM: Re: any hope for Juggernaut ? quote: Originally posted by JChristopher with Jug (and a human shield like Cyke), there are absolutely no helpers and rushdowns allowed, and Storm takes care of the keep-awayers. Just AHVB that shit! Seriously though, when Jug is on point and Storm is just an assist, keep away/runaway/traps will kill you. And as was pointed out, Headcrush can be stopped by lots of things that top tiers have. Posted by CaptainCanada on 11:05:2001 09:27 PM: Imagine trying to play Sentinel without the flying, and that's how I see Juggernaut. On point, Jugg's pretty worthless if the other guy is careful enough not to be left open for a Headcrush, and nearly all the top tier can shut him down, be it rushdown, trapping, or AHVBing. Magneto/Cable/Cammy would own him for free. Using a character solely for an assist that isn't an AAA just doesn't seem right to me. Posted by ESAK-ONER on 11:05:2001 10:19 PM: Any body that says that juggs is worthless is on crack...........I'll kill you all with juggs/servebot/roll. The ultimate team. Posted by REALPLAYER on 11:05:2001 10:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by ESAK-ONER Any body that says that juggs is worthless is on crack...........I'll kill you all with juggs/servebot/roll. The ultimate team. I'd have to agree. Jugg may get trapped, build no meter, etc., but one mistake and there goes a helper or point man. Posted by pulsr on 11:05:2001 11:30 PM: Re: Re: any hope for Juggernaut ? quote: Originally posted by State of Nature Just AHVB that shit! Seriously though, when Jug is on point and Storm is just an assist, keep away/runaway/traps will kill you. And as was pointed out, Headcrush can be stopped by lots of things that top tiers have. Hey now Jugg is more of an assist character anyways much like an AAA, Yeah of course you can AHVB jugg but juggs at point at the start of the match ok you hit him with an ahvb big deal, all he has to do now is switch out. and now your stuck with a cable that has no bars what do you do? pray that you dont get rushed down by a storm and when u assist pray that the jugg doesnt take out ur assist, i give jugg more props then that. Jugg can be played farely well at point all i do is run around and fp and keep the guy grounded with blackheart on ground or antiair.. I play Jugg/storm/Blackheart and well it works pretty damn well i can just run around and FP all day while calling out storm it may not lock the guy down but it will surely keep u limited to ur moves. I play jugg as an assist tho he cant last forever at point. Like if your rushing down, and you are stupid enough to pop a jab while standing counter xx headcrush and well...nuff said Posted by Mr. E on 11:06:2001 12:20 AM: Re: Re: Re: any hope for Juggernaut ? quote: Originally posted by pulsr Hey now Jugg is more of an assist character anyways much like an AAA, Yeah of course you can AHVB jugg but juggs at point at the start of the match ok you hit him with an ahvb big deal, all he has to do now is switch out. and now your stuck with a cable that has no bars what do you do? pray that you dont get rushed down by a storm and when u assist pray that the jugg doesnt take out ur assist, i give jugg more props then that. Jugg can be played farely well at point all i do is run around and fp and keep the guy grounded with blackheart on ground or antiair.. I play Jugg/storm/Blackheart and well it works pretty damn well i can just run around and FP all day while calling out storm it may not lock the guy down but it will surely keep u limited to ur moves. I play jugg as an assist tho he cant last forever at point. Like if your rushing down, and you are stupid enough to pop a jab while standing counter xx headcrush and well...nuff said first of all, you give a horrible example of how a match between Cable and Juggs would start out. An intelligent Cable player would not blow his wad at the first sight of an opportunity. Instead, he'll probably jump back and trap juggy and build meter. I would never superjump, and give you an opportunity to safely tag in. If at any point cable builds an extra meter, juggy's screwed. Don't tell me you can vcounter or DHC to storm, cuz juggy just doesn't have the meter to make that possible. Let's say you do manage to glitch juggy, you tag in storm. what happens? storm'll probably end up eating huge damage from a cable with meter. Now, here's the point where you say, "duh, I'm not that dumb, I wouldn't tag in storm randomly!" but, without meter, and without Cable superjumping, how do you plan on tagging her in? How do you plan on getting the meter to Variable Counter her in safely? If juggs jumps, he'll eat some kind of block stun, whether it's from an assist, a jump fierce, or a hvb. It's just not feasible to start jugs against: mags, cable, storm, sentinel, spiral. Maybe against superjump happy bh and dooms, but that's about it. Against Spiral, you won't move, and if you do tag in, you'll get snap backed. Against sentinel, you'll either get trapped or stomped to death. Cable, Jugs or his assist will die. Storm/Mags will just triangle jump you to death. Posted by SSJ George Bush on 11:06:2001 12:53 AM: HELOOOO Juggernaut can stop any runaway or trap with HIS BELLYFLOP if it hits (even blocked) he doesn't take 5 seconds to get up. Posted by hachihyaku on 11:06:2001 01:19 AM: The problem right now with Juggy is that there's pretty much one way to play him, and that's look for a chance to do the Headcrush. He's huge and slow, and WILL take chip damage from any flying crap on the screen. However, there's still hope for him. All you have to do is come up with a strat that's not the traditional "turtle- headcrush." Good luck. XD Posted by Aoishi2AL on 11:06:2001 01:31 AM: Spiral Bh Jugg Spiral Jugg Storm Try this shit out! Then tell me if Jugg is bad or good. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 11:06:2001 02:02 AM: juggs assist rules with bh on point. Posted by pulsr on 11:06:2001 02:27 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: any hope for Juggernaut ? quote: Originally posted by Mr. E first of all, you give a horrible example of how a match between Cable and Juggs would start out. An intelligent Cable player would not blow his wad at the first sight of an opportunity. Instead, he'll probably jump back and trap juggy and build meter. I would never superjump, and give you an opportunity to safely tag in. If at any point cable builds an extra meter, juggy's screwed. Don't tell me you can vcounter or DHC to storm, cuz juggy just doesn't have the meter to make that possible. Let's say you do manage to glitch juggy, you tag in storm. what happens? storm'll probably end up eating huge damage from a cable with meter. Now, here's the point where you say, "duh, I'm not that dumb, I wouldn't tag in storm randomly!" but, without meter, and without Cable superjumping, how do you plan on tagging her in? How do you plan on getting the meter to Variable Counter her in safely? If juggs jumps, he'll eat some kind of block stun, whether it's from an assist, a jump fierce, or a hvb. It's just not feasible to start jugs against: mags, cable, storm, sentinel, spiral. Maybe against superjump happy bh and dooms, but that's about it. Against Spiral, you won't move, and if you do tag in, you'll get snap backed. Against sentinel, you'll either get trapped or stomped to death. Cable, Jugs or his assist will die. Storm/Mags will just triangle jump you to death. Ok ill kinda start from the bottom of this and make my way up, Spiral trap, yes it locks down jugg pretty bad. Your goal is to glitch tho not fight so while she super jumps to do the swords you glitch she lands she throws swords you switch and well your safe and possibly took a whole 2-3 swords worth of damage at max. Mag/storm this is kinda fun i practically use jugg just for this you jump in air hit FP watch them fly across the screen. Run away storm, well thats practically like ken against storm kinda a bitch to catch up too storm with any character atleast. Cable vs Jugg this all depends on the match, if its the start yeah glitch switch in get snapbacked/ahvb what ever it is thats life thats what cable does he AHVBs and throws grenades.But if it realllly is 1n1, well this is usually turtle head crush jugg. IF you have to get serious just try and get him stuck in the corner Throw Headcrush dead jugg. Its hard to actually get inbetween that gap tho =/ Im the only i should just make a guide for this guy hes my fav character, and he doesnt need to glitch hell when im seriously playing and juggs at point i might not even glitch at all! you dont have to rely on the glitch thats what your other 2 characters are there for, to beat the crap outta things.. 1 more thing about rush down chars AND the sent trap If you have another character out that isnt jugg you can easily just kill these characters for free, if sent is doin the trap... When the laser is coming counter xx Headcrush ... See if sent tries that trap again! Mag/storm they did something stupid and decided to jab you Counter XX Headcrush Dead storm, Almost dead Mag. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 11:06:2001 02:32 AM: LOL...god damn matt(pulsr) give up the jugg...and as for mr e...Mega man owns u...nuff said. jugg might have sum potential but as said earlier in the post hes like a sent who cant fly. aswell as a sent who has no quick dash or projectiles. he might be somewhat good agaisnt a rushdown char since he has super armor. but ive play juggs...and ive never played one that could beat me...hes really not 2nd tier...only top tier assist material...but asides from that pulsr can play a good jugg. hes been able to get win streaks a multiple arcades and hes decent w/ his jugg at point. although he can make his jugg better. ive yet to tell him. he seems to have a problem playing me...hell have this huge win streak at shgl(like 14) and then ill come w/ my team and work him...its wierd...i dunno why...his jugg is pretty much the best ive seen(doesnt mean he can beat me though ^_^)...mega man owns jugg for free...(thats for mr e and pulsr) Posted by Mr. E on 11:06:2001 03:26 AM: Mega Man likes to ride dogs. nuff said. blue dog-humping perv! Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 11:06:2001 03:44 AM: all i can say is plus trons projectile then earthquake then headcrush bwuahaha Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 11:06:2001 03:53 AM: well the truth is u have to be patient with juggz n he can be deadly. even deadlier with cable(with 1 meter of course ) Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 11:06:2001 03:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E Mega Man likes to ride dogs. nuff said. blue dog-humping perv! ...--;;...damn i just got 0wned...nuff said... Posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed on 11:06:2001 06:01 AM: Don't doubt Jugg's skills. I've played people from all around Florida and everyone that has played me says my Juggernaut is "insane". They've also said "the only thing they can do against my Juggernaut is run, and that only works for so long." I've heard comments also that say "I play Juggernaut like most people play with Magneto." I'm not sure exactly what they meant by that, but it can only be a good thing. Jugg's is definitly my best character especially with the team I put together. (Colossus, Hulk, and Juggernaut) Oh, and I never use the glitch mode. I probably should, but I usually never need it. If anyone would like a few tips just let me know. I'll be happy to share my knowledge with you. Juggernaut is an extremely hard person to play with. But after long extensive practice, my Juggernaut has become, and I qoute "Unstoppable". Posted by State of Nature on 11:06:2001 06:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by SSJ George Bush HELOOOO Juggernaut can stop any runaway or trap with HIS BELLYFLOP if it hits (even blocked) he doesn't take 5 seconds to get up. HIIIIIIII His Bellyflop is AHVBable on reaction. And unless his bellyflop reaches past superjump height, i don't see it taking down storm, even when she's on screen. I also don't think the bellyflop gets him out of many tight traps, and it's easy to see coming. GOOOODBYYYYYEEEE Oh yeah, and the comparison with Sentinel is flawed. Juggy does not have a one button beam (that can be two-in-oned into a damaging special that acts as a beam), or a super that fills the screen, or good chipping fireballs that can be used for zoning, etc. They both are strong, have priority and superarmor, but that's the end of the similarities pretty much. Posted by Mr. E on 11:06:2001 06:09 AM: juggernaut = sentinel but without: flight mode quick ground dash/wave dash decent recovery beam (mouth laser) damaging projectile (rocket punch) chipping projectile (drones) normals that chip supers that chip so basically, all they have in common are stamina, super armor, range, damage and high damage supers. wow, impressive. Posted by State of Nature on 11:06:2001 07:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed Don't doubt Jugg's skills. I've played people from all around Florida and everyone that has played me says my Juggernaut is "insane". They've also said "the only thing they can do against my Juggernaut is run, and that only works for so long." I've heard comments also that say "I play Juggernaut like most people play with Magneto." I'm not sure exactly what they meant by that, but it can only be a good thing. Jugg's is definitly my best character especially with the team I put together. (Colossus, Hulk, and Juggernaut) Oh, and I never use the glitch mode. I probably should, but I usually never need it. If anyone would like a few tips just let me know. I'll be happy to share my knowledge with you. Juggernaut is an extremely hard person to play with. But after long extensive practice, my Juggernaut has become, and I qoute "Unstoppable". What can I say, you convinced me. I retract all previous statements I made about Juggernaut. He's obviously top tier. Thanks for making me see the light. You rule, super saiyajin. Posted by JChristopher on 11:06:2001 03:39 PM: yo thanks for the replies actually I'm considering Jug/Sent/BH or Cyke for Sent and I just wanna say that tho Jug is a Sent w/o a lotta things, he can still kill with ONE meter, whereas Sent would even have a hard time with 5 meters on a point character bec of damage scaling. So no matter how much Jug gets raped, if he manages to kill just ONE man, then he's done his worth. Posted by BRENT on 11:06:2001 06:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 well the truth is u have to be patient with juggz n he can be deadly. even deadlier with cable(with 1 meter of course ) That is exactly how to be successful with Juggernaut on point. You have to turtle and wait for your opportunity. Setting up a proper Juggernaut offense takes time and planning. I usually feign some openings to see how my opponent is going to attack. Then I sit tight and let them pick the side of the screen they want to try and attack from. I then either wait for an opening or create one with a feigned attack. I then super-jump or wave dash over and start my assault. It's usually good for a decent chip, but if I break through, it's dead character time. For me, Juggernaut is all about controlling the pace of the match, creating openings through feints, and generally controlling game space. Sentinel and Juggernaut are about the same size, and that's where all similarities end. Sentinel is a lot more forgiving of a character than Juggernaut. If you make a mistake with Sentinel, there are a lot of ways to make it up. Juggernaut is a little more limited in recovery from mistakes, so you have to be much more cautious. A good trap-breaking assist like Ken's AAA or Storm's projectile really help in matches against trap happy opponents. Juggernaut is easy to trap because of his size and slow walking, so a way out through an assist is a must. A lot of so called trap players are mostly all talk anyways, so their "traps" have a lot of holes and are easy to abuse. That brings a point of contention about a lot of MvC2 players. There is always talk about "AHVB that shit!" or "Juggernaut will never escape Wall of Swords!" Granted, in theory these statements are true, but rarely are they executed effectively. I don't know how many times I've played a Cable player and dominated them with Juggernaut, all the while they were shouting "AHVB that shit!" Don't let talk detract you from exploring characters, make them AHVB that shit. 9 times out of 10 they won't be able to. I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but you know what, that's all talk too. If I play any of you in an arcade you'll know what I mean. Straight-up, solid fighting beats fancy traps anyday. Posted by State of Nature on 11:06:2001 09:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by BRENT You have to turtle and wait for your opportunity I usually feign some openings to see how my opponent is going to attack. Then I sit tight Turtling with Juggernaut=death by traps and chipping. How do you "feign some openings" without getting AHVBed? And the whole time you are sitting back doing nothing, how do you get any meter? quote: Originally posted by BRENT There is always talk about "AHVB that shit!" or "Juggernaut will never escape Wall of Swords!" Granted, in theory these statements are true, but rarely are they executed effectively. [/B] It's one thing to see people mess up wall of swords. But AHVB "rarely being executed effectively?" What kind of players do you fight with? AHVBx3/4 is extremely easy to do, especially on a huge target like juggy who has shitty mobility and massive lag times. If AHVB "is rarely executed effectively" by your competition, guess what, you're playing scrubs. quote: Originally posted by BRENT make them AHVB that shit. 9 times out of 10 they won't be able to. [/B] If that's true, you are playing superscrubs. Play an even intermediate Cable with levels, and you will understand that Juggernaut has almost no safe moves against him. You think Juggernaut is good simply because you have no good competition. Weak characters are indeed fun to play as. If your comp is weak enough that you can get away with using them and winning, then go ahead and do so. But don't be deluded into thinking that your low-tier characters can beat even marginally well-played top tiers. quote: Originally posted by BRENT Straight-up, solid fighting beats fancy traps anyday. [/B] There was some discussion a while back about how an intermediate Spiral could beat the most perfectly played Gief in the world 10 out of 10 times. You can be in denial, but making claims like the above one just shows your ignorance of the game, and the scrubbiness of play in your area. Posted by UnCauzi on 11:06:2001 10:10 PM: Juggernaut sux, k thx. You don't even have to have a good spiral and own jugglenuts. Only reason why a juggernaut can get in is because his opponent is being careless. Oh and Tallahasee guy make it to OD3 Mvc2 tourney in Florida and show me how unstoppable your juggernaut is! I say bullshit and he'll die before the second round. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 11:06:2001 10:16 PM: viscant likes him so jugglenuts must be good. Posted by pulsr on 11:07:2001 01:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood viscant likes him so jugglenuts must be good. Damn straight! I sware i said this once, and ill say it again. Jugg is more of an assist character then a point character its like... having cyclops on point instead of your mag/storm. Once you have 2 bars you can easily kill any point character they have, INCLUDING SPIRAL when she does that FP Counter headcrush and u can say bi bi spiral, (most good players might be able to teleport on response tho but hell if they know whats coming! ;p Counter XX headcrush can be done from a freakin jab and it will kill that character all u gotta do is mash oh 6 hits and the guys dead, even better if they got there assist characters. When i went to SHGL i cought mad people with my jugg the only issue i had was run away storm and all i would do is just glitch Posted by [MB2K]Venkman on 11:07:2001 01:31 AM: MizterEd's jugg,hulk,colossus team dominates... period. Posted by TS on 11:07:2001 01:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by JChristopher So no matter how much Jug gets raped, if he manages to kill just ONE man, then he's done his worth. And that is, as they say, "the point." BTW: Headcrush is a 1-frame super, everybody. Things like whiffing jabs, or jumping, or triangle jumping are all Headcrush-able. Headcrush is faster than AHVB from close range. You can litteraly headcrush people out of their walking/dashing/jumping backwards animation before they even have time to block. I know a lot of you knew this all ready, but just in case some of you didn't. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 11:07:2001 05:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by pulsr Damn straight! I sware i said this once, and ill say it again. Jugg is more of an assist character then a point character its like... having cyclops on point instead of your mag/storm. Once you have 2 bars you can easily kill any point character they have, INCLUDING SPIRAL when she does that FP Counter headcrush and u can say bi bi spiral, (most good players might be able to teleport on response tho but hell if they know whats coming! ;p Counter XX headcrush can be done from a freakin jab and it will kill that character all u gotta do is mash oh 6 hits and the guys dead, even better if they got there assist characters. When i went to SHGL i cought mad people with my jugg the only issue i had was run away storm and all i would do is just glitch jugg is mega mans bitch...nuff said...mega man will ride jugg like he rides rush(his dog)...ill prove that to u matt(pulsr) as for this if he kills one guy its worth it...u may be right but imagine if u replace jugg w/ say...sent?...nuff said. Posted by pulsr on 11:07:2001 01:31 PM: yeah well i can always just call jugg out as an assist and have him take the hits and do my hail storm to ur ghetto mega man trap! so hahaha Posted by MeelJ on 11:07:2001 07:08 PM: At ECC a guy (tim?) used Hulk, Sent, Jugg. He did very well with them. Jugg has potiental, he just has to have the right assists. And you have to know when to use him Posted by UnCauzi on 11:07:2001 08:10 PM: I play Jugg/Sent/Psy Jugg/BH/Psy With pretty good success jugg on point Psy to setup headcrush. Posted by BRENT on 11:08:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature Turtling with Juggernaut=death by traps and chipping. How do you "feign some openings" without getting AHVBed? And the whole time you are sitting back doing nothing, how do you get any meter? It's one thing to see people mess up wall of swords. But AHVB "rarely being executed effectively?" What kind of players do you fight with? AHVBx3/4 is extremely easy to do, especially on a huge target like juggy who has shitty mobility and massive lag times. If AHVB "is rarely executed effectively" by your competition, guess what, you're playing scrubs. If that's true, you are playing superscrubs. Play an even intermediate Cable with levels, and you will understand that Juggernaut has almost no safe moves against him. You think Juggernaut is good simply because you have no good competition. Weak characters are indeed fun to play as. If your comp is weak enough that you can get away with using them and winning, then go ahead and do so. But don't be deluded into thinking that your low-tier characters can beat even marginally well-played top tiers. There was some discussion a while back about how an intermediate Spiral could beat the most perfectly played Gief in the world 10 out of 10 times. You can be in denial, but making claims like the above one just shows your ignorance of the game, and the scrubbiness of play in your area. I feign openings mostly with a sort of wave dash. I dash forward and then alomst immediately cancel into block. It catches people off guard a lot. I'll also whiff a lp or lk, then block. Sometimes I'll even "short jump," or land a jump outside an opponent's range and wait for the missed retaliation (though I don't use that against Cable). Granted, you do need a little meter to fight effectively with Juggernaut, but I think that is true with any character in the game. With Juggernaut and 2 levels I can do the same as Cable and 3 levels. So, yeah a battery is nice for Juggernaut, but not neccesary. I don't turtle against every character, but against Cable, you kind of have to. I assume the match-up comes up when both have levels of meter. Playing effectively with Juggernaut is about controlling the pace of the game. People mess up the AHVB x 3 all the time. It's not that they can't do the combo, they just mess up the timing or pull it out too late. If you pull it out too late, then I'm already blocking. Cable's game is very predictable and easy to set-up and anticipate. It's not that people can't do it, it's just that they have a hard time doing it at the right time. That can also be precipitated through feints. I'm not saying you don't have any skill, or that you can't beat Juggernaut, I'm just saying people talk an awful lot without reality actually backing them up. I'm not trying to discredit anyone, I'm just providing the forum a strategy that works for me. All I wanted to say in the last part was that giving in to people saying "Just AHVB that shit" is doing yourself a huge disservice. I don't know how my competition stacks up cmopared to yours. I'm sure you'll tell how shitty it is soon enough. Posted by Naslectronical on 11:08:2001 02:28 AM: Juggernaut's jab is AHVB'able. And no decent Cable player would ever mess up AHVB that often. Posted by pulsr on 11:08:2001 04:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Juggernaut's jab is AHVB'able. And no decent Cable player would ever mess up AHVB that often. Any persons jab is AHVB material Posted by pulsr on 11:08:2001 04:45 AM: Do i have to write a jugg guide? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 11:08:2001 04:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by pulsr Do i have to write a jugg guide? I'll do it for you: Power Up Switch out Battery your ass off. Block. Counter XX Headcrush (1 character dead). Switch battery back in. Lather, rinse, repeat. BTW, best battery for Jugg is probably Sent, because he has such an easy time blocking something so you can counter XX crush. That's one of the reasons why Team Big works. -DFA Posted by PsionicXcalibur on 11:08:2001 05:32 AM: yup, when i used to use jugg i used him as a kinda kamikazee. i would at least just get one charcter then he usually got his assed wooped but a 1:1 ratio, not bad. Posted by pulsr on 11:08:2001 05:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove I'll do it for you: Power Up Switch out Battery your ass off. Block. Counter XX Headcrush (1 character dead). Switch battery back in. Lather, rinse, repeat. BTW, best battery for Jugg is probably Sent, because he has such an easy time blocking something so you can counter XX crush. That's one of the reasons why Team Big works. -DFA HEY!! u took away all my fun away when i made my long guide that explained wha to do with jugg! =( i mean yeah you counter headcrush 100% of the time instead of goin oh look hes jabbing a mile away lets headcrush!! hehe oh well the guides made and yeah! it seems... like it might work countin its the way i play jugg and it works so i dont care ;p Posted by Naslectronical on 11:08:2001 11:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by pulsr Any persons jab is AHVB material Yes, but not on reaction like Juggernaut's is. Posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed on 11:23:2001 07:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by UnCauzi Juggernaut sux, k thx. You don't even have to have a good spiral and own jugglenuts. Only reason why a juggernaut can get in is because his opponent is being careless. Oh and Tallahasee guy make it to OD3 Mvc2 tourney in Florida and show me how unstoppable your juggernaut is! I say bullshit and he'll die before the second round. Well I did go to OD3 and my Juggernaut got a lot of crowd pleasers. I think I did really good. I made it to the 3rd round but barely lost to Alex Navarro. Juggernaut is unstoppable as long as you mix him with the right team. After the tournament everyone gave me props with my Juggs, and I didn't hear anyone saying that he sux. Posted by UnCauzi on 11:23:2001 12:47 PM: Good for you! I still think he sux. LOL! I got my ass kizicked during the tournament and noone told me my spiral sux either. Peeps were saying "Nice Spiral." And I didn't make it to the second round...didn't really try to either but that's not the issue here! I just haven't played MvC2 in 6 months BUT I'm NOT MAKING EXCUSES. Try for some consistency and see how well juggs does at OD4 and SFC if you can make it. People have now seen your juggs and will be ready for him. Huhuhuhu. Posted by Ryo Hazuki on 11:23:2001 04:09 PM: um if you say one mistake made by the opponent equals a dead character? that's like saying cable=juggernaugt Posted by UnCauzi on 11:23:2001 08:54 PM: cable = one mistake = 1/2/3 dead characters. Plus if you block an AHVB cable isn't wide the fuck open. Cable can trap, chip, blah blah blah. I think Juggie is just a character for those who want to be different. He can be effective but not at higher levels. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:14 PM. Show all 48 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.